Thanks to Unnameable Books for hosting the HIST soundtrack premiere!
Photo courtesy of Catherine Bresner
Excerpt from “The Rescue of Hist” courtesy of Catherine Bresner
Excerpt from “The Rescue of Hist” courtesy of Catherine Bresner
electronic experimental
Thanks to Unnameable Books for hosting the HIST soundtrack premiere!
Photo courtesy of Catherine Bresner
Excerpt from “The Rescue of Hist” courtesy of Catherine Bresner
Excerpt from “The Rescue of Hist” courtesy of Catherine Bresner
Enjoy this performance from my performance of Idiopathic for voice, electronics, and found sound on 2/27/20 at Green Kill Performance Space.
CANYONS by James Belflower and Matthew Klane from Flimb Press. 7x9, 106 pages w/ 26 full-page color plates, $25
CANYONS by James Belflower and Matthew Klane from Flimb Press. 7x9, 106 pages w/ 26 full-page color plates, $25
When I think of the Old Testament the first thing that comes to mind is not rich, textured, drone music. However, AMULETS, the tape + electronics moniker of Austin based audio/visual artist Randall Taylor, crystallizes them beautifully. On his album The Old Testament, AMULETS repurposes Old Testament books on tape. So, if you spent much of your childhood punching play on various bible versions recorded on poor quality TDK or Maxell cassettes, then the stretched, looped, and collaged stories will melt into biblical soundscapes that not only bring to mind those moments but pleasantly subvert them. What I love about Old Testament is that there remains a god lurking in these warm sonic clouds, but it is not the angry, vengeful god the Old Testament leads us to expect. Instead, AMULETS finds a human heat in the ambient tape scrub, a viscous and sensuous cumulus of biblical proportions. Check it out and enjoy!
Find other AMULETS offerings here.